Tuesday, July 11, 2017

When Believers control a Representational Government

the nation gets a non-independent thinking malignant narcissist as the leader of the free world.

It would be one thing if the Believer personality type was the large majority of the voting demographic and was not subject to great manipulations in rational or logical thought. Its quite a tragic other thing when the defining characteristic of that personality type is that the person so utterly fails to think critically that he/she is extremely vulnerable to, well, thought manipulation...even by the enemy when it comes to exercising her/his voting right.

A decade or so ago, this nation started showing mass signs of anxiety and dissatisfaction. Mean-ness and corruption affected every level and every facet of daily life, which lead this author to believe that maybe our form of government had reached its utilitarian--and just, peak. This was wrong. The 2016 presidential election demonstrated that this form of representational government had crested in its success at democracy and that serious, elemental reformation is in order.

The irony is that the winning candidate, who ran as a political outsider that would drain the swamp--i.e. take the corruption and politics out of government, is the epitome of "purchase politics"...that with enough money, you can buy the most power governmental office in the world. Its not just that he had an assist from an "enemy" foreign power. Its that he bought his assists--all of them.

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