Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Requiring truthful campaign rhetoric may stop enabling the Thief-in-Chief and Russia @ 7 2017

Look, I am not going to say that I have any sort of preference for any current political party or political bent. Really, just to make people think about the inherently fatal flaws in such labels or categorizations, I have repeatedly said that "If anything, I lean conservative solely because I don't want anyone fucking with my right to be a liberal." That pretty much stops the dialogue, if there even was one to begin with. So, I want all political leaders to hear this...but especially the republican members:

Russia fucked with my constitutional right to cast a vote for the leader of the executive branch of my representational government.

They fucked with all of ours' right.

And the GOP, as I heard Tx Senator Ted Cruz and Donald Trump Jr. say today, is entrenching themselves into this treasonous travesty as if its a partisan concern. Its clearly not a partisan concern. Its a constitutional concern of a "free and democratic" society ...and it abuses all citizens. I only hope that the persons involved with enabling the Thief-in-Chief and Russia to have control over my right to participate in the election pay for that and lose public office ....and go to jail.

Trump and his minions have been calling the inquiries into Russia's meddling as "fake news" and yet almost nothing out of their mouths have demonstrated that they are credible. So, when Trump's lawyer says he wasn't at the June meeting with the Russian lawyer allegedly handing over opposition dirt, it doesn't mean that he wasn't listening in on the conversation, possibly via his own taping system in his own hotel (which he admitted he operates) or via a phone of one of the other attendees (his own campaign officers Manafort and Kushner and his son Donald Jr.) and even texting real time prompts to one of those three.

And no one is buying the GOP default "justification" of "we have to do X, Y, and Z because its what we promised to do." No, GOP politicians will pay for their actions at the polls because of their enabling of an idiot, a traitor, and a thief who stole our constitutional right to elect our president. They will pay for their actions because they enabled Russia to maintain leverage over our executive branch and white house administration. They will pay for their actions because they enabled an idiot, a traitor, and a thief to trade our country's authority and position in the Western world for the ability to improperly manipulate the voting public and abuse an opposing candidate. GOP officials are not going to pay for their actions because they didn't repeal and replace the affordable care act--no voter supporting a GOP candidate made the candidate sign a contract requiring performance of that-or any other, specific act before throwing their vote to the GOP candidate. We all know it just didn't and doesn't work that way.

Which brings me to something that I have been pondering for a year or so now:
That we may need to change our society's three honesty exclusions (well, there are really four).

We are not a society based on the concept of truthfulness. We allow some of the most powerful positions and the most important processes to be infiltrated with dishonesty, and this allowance has brought is to the brink of collapse in terms of our identity with our national values.

We allow, without repercussion or liability:

1. Police officers to lie;

2. Lies to be told in legal proceedings;

3. Political candidates to lie about opposing candidates; and we allow

4. Children to lie.

In terms of this discussion, it is time that we revisit, as a nation, allowing political candidates to publish un-truths, alternative facts, or out-right fictions against opposing candidates. This last presidential campaign has demonstrated the burden of technology, which is the profound and in-correctable impact of the internet -- the broad, prolific, and immediate reach of false stories that create lasting and irreversible persuasion in the neurology of human minds. We certainly can't ensure that the audience of a false story is going to read, to read and understand, or to read, understand, and conclude a corrected impression of any subsequent retraction, correction, or rebuttal. So, let's just not let lies out there.

Besides, we are too busy to be buried with campaign effluva. So, let's make campaign rhetoric "count" and more efficient by making candidates liable for there dishonesty. We don't have to make the threshold so sensitive that campaigns become litigation generators. We just have to make the threshold weed out claims that have no positive and hard FACTUAL support, and to clearly include wildly obvious warnings when a candidate's or political group's statements about another candidate are not supported by more than a specious indicia of hard facts.

@ 7 2017

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