Monday, November 12, 2012

Gay Rights Strategy

Here is a thought. Instead of letting hate-mongering con-christians determine the language of the debate as it is being played out politically and legislatively, why not take charge? After all, the discussion of whether an adult can marry another adult is a completely private question. So any other person's expression of rejection of such marriage is committing an act of inequality, unfairness, and invasion of privacy that that bigot does nothave the foundation or right to commit. And, when those that support the right of others to marry whomever they wish, among other very personal life choices, engage in a discussion of the benefits foregone by prohibiting others from marrying, those supporters are missing a golden opportunity to reinvent--and distract, the non-supporters.
Instead, what should be discussed and made into tv soundbites are the contrary religious beliefs. The discussion should be strictly limited to the religious fanaticism that it is, and not be given any sense of "social" or "values" legitimacy. In other words, just by countering the "anti" privacy and fairness factions with talk of benefits, values, etc, the Pro-privacy and Pro-fairness peeps are going down the wrong path.
Imagine, if religious privacy haters were constantly confronted with other self-professed educated "faithful", like religious leaders and ministers, etc, who consistently expressed and cited religious text that supported privacy (and, for example, gay marriage), and loving your neighbor no matter how different he or she is from you. Imagine if the rhetoric was moved to preclude discussion of values. This would have the wild and significant benefit of removing the scrutinizing "lense" of social morality from "gay". At the same time that it limits the discussion as it relates to gays, it broadens the discussion as it relates to the religious, as it turns the "burden of proof" from the gay to the religious.
So, groups like HRC should only make media spots that have other religious people talking about how accepting religions like christianity are, how those that express hostile and hatefilled religious-based sentiments are not really acting upon religious fundamentals, etc.

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