Tuesday, November 13, 2012

3d printer

U washington students used polyethylene from milk containers that they cut up to create a single person plastic boat for Seattle's Milk Carton Derby. They plan to use the technology to build composting toilets and rainwater collectors. Boats may be just as grand an idea for societies that use trees to make small vessels.

A law student at Austin's UT is trying to make ubitquitous 3d printer plans for pistols. The guvment is breathin heavy on him--apparently there are lots of rules about making guns. He reminds them that he is only making the plans--the idea.

The milk drerby team used a 3d printer built around a plasm cutter that is computer controlled. So the extruder's movement is controlled as it melts the plastic flakes and squirts the liquid out. the result is limited to the dimensional movements of the extruder. If the extruder prints fast, the plastic is more likely to cool at once, reducing the stress the object incurs when the cooling plastic shrinks at different times.

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