Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Misogyny: Pelosi as leader @2017

Apparently, since 2010, republicans have been running campaign ads "mal"-igning democrat candidates by warning voters that the democrat candidate will vote as minority leader Nancy Pelosi votes. The ads apparently are effective in damaging the democrat candidate's campaign.

Democrats run no similarly crafted ads. Apparently, they know that its no criticism to warn that a successful candidate will vote in sync with the male leader of the party. And, apparently, they don't see the value in calling out the misogyny in this.

The gop's leaders are/have been both male. The gop apparently understands that there is no risk in speciously standing the female party leader in the place of the candidate.

Its common course and expected that a successful candidate will have a tendency to vote in sync with her/his political party/leaders. Voting in step with your male party leader is treated by our society as "loyal", but voting in step with your female party leader is such a "sign" of some deep flaw in the candidate that it can be leverage--and leveraged effectively, to disparage the candidate.

So, why is voting in sync with your party baggage when the leading person in the party is female, but not when he is male, and why haven't the dems figured out and run effective responses countering this anti-Pelosi strategy???

These ads and the dems failed response reflect the rampant and not so subtle misogynistic culture that we currently live in.


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