Monday, May 29, 2017

The Nixon-Trump Parallel @ 2017 #2

Nixon complained incessantly to his staff about the leaks coming out of his administration. In the week following the arrest of his Watergate burglary gang on June 17, 1972, an agitated Nixon, was also deep into strategizing against McGovern (whom he anticipated was his strongest opposition to re-election). So, on June 21, Nixon laid down general instructions that every time they had a leak in their organization, they should claim that they are being bugged--even if they had to plant and discover the bug themselves.

Compare this president's strategy with Trump's March 4th, 2017, (red-herring) tweet that his predecessor "wiretapped" Trump Tower.

That tweet has spawned a lawsuit demanding records that prove or disprove the statement.

Note that the DNC, within a week of the Watergate arrests, filed suit against Nixon's Committee for Re-election, filing on behalf of all Democrats.

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