Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Russia/Trump/Supremacist Links

The problem we have is that as a culture we allow lies to be told about political candidates by opposing candidates. So, all of the fake internet shit is lawful, as long as it doesn't involve other activity that is criminal:

--In South Korea, the nation's former top intelligence official used bots in a misinformation campaign against the opposition party, for which he was indicted in 2013. 3

--Is fraudulent Twitter activity criminal?

--Is Hope Hicks disavowal that TO has not purchased any bots for social media a crime? 3

"Novel" words used by an online community are usually unique to that community. 2

Pro-Trump networks tweet incessantly: praise Trump, bash Clinton and media, retweet fake accounts, turning the issue back on the red herring and dilute attention to real issue.  3

Activity designed to amplify certain messages. 3

Worked to promote a single candidate: Trump 3

Bots accomplish:
harassing critics into silence to shape information environment
spread misinformation
make supporters feel as if a part of thriving p=movement
"normalize" fringe views
dilute/delegitimize legitimate/informative conversation

Bot creators are:
content management firms
advertising firms

sell crappy products
House candidates
Senate candidates
political elections

by purchasing social media accounts 2
with Bitcoin, Perfectmoney, Yandex Money, Kiwi, or a system
Russian sites like BuyAcc, 2

through subcontracts not noticeable on FEC documents.   3

introduce new-novel language to the community 2
were 6 times more likely to use "hitlery" than other communities 2
twice as many posts per day as real users 2
were only active in 2016 2

and mentioned Russia was NOT interfering four times more often than other users. 2

Social media accounts can go for less than a dollar. Bot operators run small subsets of accounts through huge network of different IP addresses that are masked by software that redirects web requests through series of proxies. 2 Linux/moose 2

Was Trump's eschewing of television's role in campaigning for practically absolute reliance on manufactured internet content evidence of his commitment to reaching only those types of people that were "addicted" to and exploitable via digital activities? Is it also evidence of his collusion with Cambridge Analytics-type brain-bending bc "people believe what the Internet says more than reality" ? 3 [Andres Sepulveda, who was on JJ Rendon's payroll]

Russian Digital Activities: bots, trolls, cyborgs, and sock puppets
--  2016 4  and 7  Twitter: Conversations in Twitter's conservative communities, the Trump Campaign's Facebook page, and Breitbart's comment section suddenly and simultaneously changed. All three adopted eerily similar language during the same period of time." Communities novel words started overlapping so significantly that analysis suggests they were all written by the same author or group using the same playbook. 2

-- 2016 3 through 8  30,000 bots    2

-- 2016      News reports Trump used foundation money to pay legal fees, but army of tweeters kept focus on Clinton foundation and links to blogs 3

-- 2016   Trump's controversial statements diluted with bot messages appearing to be latino supporters with mixed messages  3

-- 2016 Trump stumbled on tax return release question in debate, but twitter army created appearance of grass roots demand for Clinton accountability and links to like sentimented blogs  3

-- 2016 4 and 7  1314 bots posted a tweet with identical content to four or more other tweets. 2

-- 2017 8 McMaster August Troll campaign 1 according to Alliance for Securing Democracy (tracks Russia propaganda)

Supremacist Activities: bots, trolls, cyborgs
bots of nationalists,a nd sock puppets
WhiteGenocideTM (retweeted by Trump)

Mike Cernovich:
 --2017 8 called H.R. McMaster a Deep State Plant, National Security Adviser, fired predecessor Flynn's hires (Ezra Cohen-Watnick, Rich Higgins, Derek Harvey) 1

--2017 8  Website called McMaster Leaks set up in August, 2017  1

Daily Caller's:
-- 2017 8 Senior NSC officials say McMaster opposes everything prez wants to do  1

Fox News's
Tucker Carlson:
-- 2017 8 Prez not a fan of what McMaster's doing   1

--2017 8  leaked letter re: susan rice's clearance 1

Trump's Nationalists:
Ezra Cohen-Watnick -- Director for Intelligence
Rich Higgins
Derek Harvey --
Steve Bannon --

-- 2016 1 thru 3  Trump quoted 150 fake bot accounts

Computational Propaganda Project
Alliance for Securing Democracy

1. Salon, Right-wing media and Russian bots unite to target Trump's national security advisor, Sophia Tesfaye, 8 4 2017

2. Date for Democracy, Jonathan Morgan, 3 31 2017, Sockpuppets, Secessionists, and Breitbart; How Russia May Have Orchestrated a Massive Social Media Influence Campaign.

3. Politico, 2016 9 30, Inside Trump's 'cyborg' Twitter army, Ben Schreckinger

Trump's Fantasy 4% Growth Goal and Infrastructure Permits @ 8 2017

Haa, the light bulb has turned on. I now know why Trump's infrastructure plan is based on eliminating the permit process. The last time our economy had a growth rate any way near something that could get us to 4% was when we were focused on building highways and such after The War.

If he wants to get real numbers in terms of higher employment and higher economic growth rate to happen while he is still in office, he can NOT wait for the transportation permit process to do its job.

That is why, in his infrastructure speech yesterday, he was so confusing in terms of the language he used to describe what he sees as the problem in infrastructure development. He scapegoated "consultants", than described lobbyists.

@ 8 2017

Heyer's mom at her service

find in your heart that small spark of accountability

"Moral Equivalency" is a Familial-Based Accomodation of Bad Behavior @ 8 2017

Where were you when the most traumatizing presidential press conference in history spewed forth?

While I have adopted the rule of changing the station to avoid listening to Trump speak (his -loquy is too reminiscent of my own mother's failures), I got caught in yesterday's chaos.  Infrastructure is our meat, so I was a little slow to change the channel, and then he started calling consultants rich and the root of the problem in infrastructure project/permitting delays. So my fingers were texting my boss about that--who is a transportation facility project consultant, instead of pressing the buttons on the remote. And then it just happened...

As he paused to end his infrastructure speech, the press shouted questions at him, and, after having just heard his own voice--with all the authority and power of the world, booming off the walls of his home turf, the real Trump emerged. In an instant he was transformed, and it was palpable to even television viewers, You could see his anger and ego take physical control of the man even before he took the first question. It was impossible to look away. Indeed, the fight or flight instinct made it impossible to turn away--you feared for yourself, for him, for his staff, for the rest of us. And then he did it, he normalized organized hate, and, in all likelihood (hopefully), converted the countdown to the end of his presidency from years to weeks.

Even FOX called it for the tragedy it was, it was that bad.

So let's talk about some events in the speech that have yet to be discussed.

First, delayed permitting in infrastructure is NOT the problem with our country's infrastructure. Projects have become incredibly technologically advanced, as well as expansive, which means the impact on human safety and quality of life necessitates a thorough design/review and permitting process. Additionally, these projects are inextricable public resources, which means that control of them by persons accountable to the public is essential in this democratic representational government. Further, because the public's money is used to finance infrastructure projects, there is a requirement that the best and brightest talent at the most economically competitive level be employed at specific levels of the process, rather than having one government official or team of public servants half-ass their way through incredibly complex and advanced technologies. Consultants, contracted through competitive bid process, are integral to providing the best infrastructure projects possible to the people of this nation. Consultants on these projects are usually licensed professionals in technical fields. So, what the fuck is he talking about when he says that he his going to remove consultants from the process in order to speed up the permitting process?

Second, is no one also offended by his comment that linked "bringing factories back to the U.S. will be the best thing to improve race relations in this country?" That's a paraphrase, but its pretty close.  Ironically, while the press is completely focused on analyzing the racism behind his "moral equivalency"-type comments, probably the most direct evidence of his own racist tendencies is evidenced by this specific comment. To say, in a generalizing way, that minorities will benefit from what will largely be manufacturing jobs is mind-blowingly offensive--and factually fragile, in so many ways.

Third, his comments, as he was walking away from the podium and, sort of, past the press, about owning property in Charlottesville, VA, reflect a mind/personality that has no capacity for thinking outside of his own self.

Fourth, I know why/how Trump can have Jewish family AND call Nazi's "good people". This is where my mother comes in. My brother is a racist, bullying, drug-dealing thug and thief. My sister is a "Christian" homophobe who, when I introduced my family to my first girlfriend, told me her kids were going to be raised in a "Christian" household in which gay would not be allowed. I, on the other hand, put myself through law school--for the challenge, and pride my self on living with integrity and compassion and modeling those traits for others.

Yet, in my family, over and over, I hear the matriarch justify, excuse, enable, and embolden my sister's hate and my brother's criminal behavior--behavior that is too often targeted directly at me. So, in my mother's household, the cognitive dissonance created by her children's conflicting behavior was accommodated by this same kind of normalization of incredibly bad behavior that we heard from Trump yesterday. He has at least one child--a son, that proudly and publicly expresses the same vulgar traits of white supremacists. That son is obsessed with fire power and with killing other beings, and is so morally and ethically vacuous as to agree to take a public office by colluding with the devil -- the Russian government. And, then, there is Trump's Jewish daughter and grandchildren. It is highly likely that, at least at many family dinners/events, the conflict between the two children has had to be "negotiated" by the patriarch, probably with him saying, "Look, both sides brought something to this conflict, so there is blame on both sides, figure it out and move on."

Instead of performing the emotionally difficult task of calling out his son on his bad conduct, he "normalizes" it by alleging a moral equivalency, much like my mother has done for years now.

Now, I want to speak to the several commentators who have discussed the fact that too many voters and Republicans have given too high a priority to any one specific "monetary" based "promise" made by Trump and that they voted out of anger, and so they must get over their anger and re-organize their priorities.

That will never happen.

I have been saying to others for months now that the reason why we have Trump is just because too many voters were too selfish to vote compassionately. I tell them that I sacrificed my vote out of concern for my neighbors and the other people of this country because, while I wanted to vote for Sanders, I knew that vote risked putting an incredibly intellectually underperforming, toxically vulgar, and patently self-serving revengeful person in the president's office would NOT bring change and would NOT be good for us. The people who voted for Trump, and the Republicans that remain silent, have not demonstrated the will, courage, or compassion that it takes to "get over their anger and to re-organize their priorities to put ethics above their own self interest", whether that self interest is a new tax structure, new health insurance mandates, preference for U.S. Steel,....

Next, the media also needs to draw attention to the fact that hate is infusing itself into our culture in more ways than just white supremacist movements. For example, the Alliance Defending Freedom "non-profit" has a legal training program and a $41 MILLION bank for their participating lawyers to draw from to pursue ANY legal action that works to "reform" our country's legal system so that it criminalizes homosexuality and makes the civil and family legal systems inaccessible to gays, lesbians, and same sex families.  Right now, our legal systems--and many of our LGBT colleagues, neighbors, family, etc,, are being bombarded with onerous, yet frivolous/dilatory, legal actions that are designed to financially bankrupt the LGBT individual, at a minimum, and to establish a trail of legal precedents chipping away at the LGBT individual's right to seek protection or redress via our country's legal systems.

That press commentators have talked prolifically about the Southern Poverty Law Center's tracking of these hate groups since Saturday's tragic events without also revealing, in an impactful way, the more insidious hate-groups, like ADF, is a serious failure on the media's part. This is because while we are ruminating on the overtly violent hate groups disguised in polos and khakis, we are letting the ones in business suits sneak in the back door to our culture and its values.

Last, I would also like to know, with great certainty, whether Russian bots might also be feeding/trolling white supremacist internet sites in order to help Trump get 63 Million voters and to continue to influence is thought process while in office.

@ 8 2017