A few weeks ago I was plagued with the idea that Trump's presidential campaign is really a GOP master scheme to draw renewed attention to the GOP without sacrificing a real chance at the white house. My suspicion is that the GOP and Trump made a deal (last year?) that he would pose a pre-convention run but that he would withdraw from the race the eve before nominations. The GOP leaders have probably accepted the fact that they are losing touch with too many voters, don't really have any strong "candidates", and are loathe to relinquish any "compromise" to tea party presidential wannabes.
So, how to let any cream the party may have rise to the top without curdling the entire batch--in other words, how to winnow out the absolute worst or riskiest GOP candidate without losing even more voters? Well, an answer is to run NOW a candidate that doesn't have to worry about really running a presidential campaign ('cause he's gonna drop out at the last minute), that doesn't have to worry about the fake run bankrupting him, that doesn't have to worry about appearing disloyal to the GOP or being made a pariah, and that has probably used his incredible business negotiating talent to broker some pretty substantial "pat my back" deals that every Republican politician currently in office and that will be in office for the next twenty years will have to fulfill.
This is why we see Trump acting like a complete ass--it draws media attention to the GOP that it just hasn't been able to stir up on its own. This is why we see Trump making the rare and wildly broad but completely innane "policy" statements or asserting completely vapid "policy" positions -- they have no meaning and never will. This is why we see Trump lashing out at the media--it keeps the GOP in the news cycle even though his actions never commit the GOP to anything of governing substance and don't damage or substantively challenge any of the other GOP "candidates'" campaign or image.
Anyone interested in a pool on the hour and day before the GOP nomination that he drops out?